
Photographic Studio specializing in Wet-Plate Collodion, Salted Paper, & Albumen

One for Friday

Sorry, but winter in Berlin can be tough, real tough (if you live here, and are not from here, you know what I mean), especially when you find a picture like this of where you once (feels like another life-time ago) rode your bike.  And in winter.  Uggggh.  I know this isn’t a photography post, but to be honest, bicycles, nature, and analogue photography (especially wet-plate) have a hell of a lot in common.  You either understand, or you don’t.  I’ve also been really getting into Buckminster Fuller a lot lately.  If you don’t know who he is, check him out.  Also check out the Black Mountain College (sadly, it doesn’t exist anymore), where he once taught.  Unbelievable.

In closing, one of his quotes:

“Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but nature does not depend on us. We are not the only experiment.”

Posted 318 weeks ago